Looking to be apart of a Christian empowerment organization? Check out Christian Girls Pop.
Christian Girls POP is dedicated to giving as much inspiration and protection as anyone needs, for those feeling the pressure of society, the disappointments of life, anxieties of the unknown, or the hope of tomorrow. You are never alone in your walk with the Lord.
Christian Girls P.O.P prides these three virtues as the foundation of their mission. In today’s world, many sources within society attempt to tell girls and women their purpose in life, usually to our determent. Ofttimes we find ourselves feeling distant from God and alone in hard times, depending on our own power to survive. But Christian Girls P.O.P believe purpose can only be found in God, the creator by which we are wonderfully made. Through prayer and relationship to Him, through trust in His Word and intentions, we find our true place in the world and peace through any storm.
Owner: Stephanie Bright
Location: Houston, TX
Contact: 832.257.4242
Email: christiangirlspop@gmail.com
Social Media: IG: @christiangirlspop
Website: www.christiangirlspop.com
Keywords: Christian Women Empowerment Podcast