Have your vision captured through the lens of J.MimmsVisions.
J. Mimms Visions provides professional photography and videography services based in Houston, specializing in events, portraits, marketing content and more. Owner Julian Mimms brings his love of the craft and artistic vision to every project.
He bought his first disposable camera in the 90s, and continuously developed his talent until leaving his job to shoot content full time in 2016. J. Mimms Visions is available for personal and commercial work nationwide.
Owner: Julian Mimms
Location: Houston, TX
Contact: 832.725.1198
Email: J.mimmsvision@gmail.com
Social Media: IG: @j.mimmsvisions
Website: www.jmimmsvisions.com
Key Words: Photography Videography
#Photography #PhotoShoot #Photo #Studio #Cinema #Video #Videography #Films #VideoShoot